about us
Whether you're just beginning your faith journey or have been traveling for many years through many places, you'll find among us companions ready to walk alongside you, help carry your burdens, and laugh in joy at the grace God showers on us all.
who we are
We focus on a living Savior who provides genuine solutions to the deep needs of a hurting world. We are committed to need-meeting ministry in God's name, and we are committed to being real people who enjoy real life and who cry real tears. Because we are a diverse group in terms of age, occupation, marital status, lifestyle, interests, and physical ability, our members create many accessible opportunities for community service, Bible study, and small social groups.
our vision
God is making all things new; therefore we are moving with the Spirit in the messy and holy work of
renewing worship,
nurturing faith,
doing justice,
caring for creation, and
building community,
with our neighbors.
what we do
We are a community who worships and trusts in the triune God. We live in faith of Christ's resurrection and in the hope of Christ's second coming. We live into the already/not yet of God's Kingdom here on earth. We rely on God and the Holy Spirit's activation to help us
renew worship both in Sunday services and in our worship of God in our everyday lives
nurture faith among our community of all ages through worship and our relationships
do justice in all its forms for all people
care for the creation God has given us
build community within our multi-generational church family, our neighborhood, and our world
our beliefs
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, our only infallible rule for faith and life. We are committed to reforming ourselves according to its truth and authority. As a progressive church, we’re strongly committed to moving ahead with God’s mission to the world; as a traditional church, we hold firmly to Biblical truth as summarized in the historic Reformed creeds.
Every one is welcome here. Whatever your age, sex, race, abilities, economic status, sexual orientation, or gender identity, you are invited to participate fully in our Jesus-following community of faith.
God loves you!
Worship is the fuel for discipleship. We are called to eat, drink, speak, think and work to the glory of God. We worship God by remembering the gospel through preaching, teaching, singing, praying and celebrating baptism and communion.
find your faith
The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ our Lord. What is built on top of that foundation are the relationships and connections of God's people who have chosen to take a faith journey together. True connections require us to be faithful to each other and to God, and when we care for one another, our work as a church is a joy.
Find and grow your faith among us as we deepen our connections together.